Frog's Burger
What is a Frog's ? A Frog's is a round bun with a lightly brioche crust and different bases (minced steak, poultry, tuna...). This bread roll is exclusively made by a local baker and delivered every day. The establishment makes only the sale to take away.
- Animaux bienvenus
- Carte Bleue , French holiday vouchers, Cash, French luncheon vouchers, Paypal
- Nombre de couverts en salle : 35
- Nombre de couverts en terrasse : 24
Informations complémentaires
- Restaurant category : Themed restaurant, Fast food / Burger bar
- Culinary specialities : Vegetarian, Cuisine américaine/Burger
- Amenities in restaurant : Patio
- Services in restaurant : Takeaways